Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Saturday!

The last few days were very hectic...I had decided that I was going to take enough rest and enjoy a lot on the coming Saturday! And here it was, it was a Saturday morning!
On the Friday night, I had warned my brain not to alarm early in the morning as it does always when I am here at IIT (fortunately, it does not do so when I am home :))...But, it obeyed my order and alarmed half an hour late :( I tried to be lazy, tried not to come out of my bed for some time, but I found it too boring to do so :D Finally I got up, had "something" in "mess"...
Now what? I wanted to have some nice time n I felt like watching a pleasant movie! It was a just 8.30 a.m. and I was about to watch a movie :D The search began. I usually avoid watching the movies involving emotional atyaachaar (horror, voilent (physical or psychological), suspense) at IIT, so the obvious option was to watch a Rom Com or simply romantic movie. DC++ is one of my good friends at IIT, quit predictable and helpful...It presented me with a big list of romantic movies, which I started scanning through. My eyes halted at "Something New"! I went through the movie review on IMDB, and found the movie "watchable"...So, there was "something new" about to happen today?
Actually there was "nothing new" in the theme but it was a pleasant one! It had a "feel good" factor in it. Nice acting, music, direction etc a usual! It changed my mood and put some enthu in me! I made some plans for the day...An ice-cream scoop or a two were the must! As I am an IITan, atleast a bit of a work (though it may not be productive :p) had to have its place in the plan..So I decided to go to lab, work for sometime and then go ahead with the other plans...
Following the same road, the same starecases, the same passages I reached the lab...My senses expected the same gloomy atmosphere but...I could here the pleasant, melodic instrumental tune of "Dil hai chhotasa"...Manoj was in a different mood today and he continued "play"ing melodic, romantic songs one after the other...I started my journey through the world of the music, the roads of the tunes, the breezes of the melodies..."You are hungry" my stomach screamed! It felt like suddenly falling into a valley...Tumbling off the valley, I settled on my table in the lab :( I looked at the clock...Ohh, it was 1.15 and if I did not move to "the mess" immediately, a parade through the hell was destined! :(
So, I had to get up and push myself towards "the mess". On entering the hostel, I started observing the faces of the girls "coming out of the mess"! They did not seem to be miserable! It boosted my spirit. I had my lunch which was surprisingly edible!
"Hmm...Done with the lunch, now I should work for some more time (did I really work before lunch?) and then continue with my enjoyment plans...", I started thinking and suddenly Harshada's waving hand came rushing towards me, followed by the voice, "Hey, you were planning to go home right?" "No, I had to change my plans", I said. "Meet my friend Prajakta. We are planning to go on an outing. Coming?" It did not take even a moment for me to say "Yessss", I did not even bother to ask about the detailed plan....We finished our dinner and left for our "Mumbai Darshan" tour! Next 7-8 hours were full of fun! They made my day!!
It will take some more time to write about the trip but I need to work now, so will come back with one more post soon....

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