Thursday, September 17, 2009


The song "Luka Chupi" from "Rang De Basanti" always is very touching and always makes me cry.
In the morning, I was getting bored and felt like I should listen to music. What kind of music? Rahman ka gana...I opened DC++ and searched for Rehman and the first song that appeared in the list was Luka Chupi. I love the song. I downloaded it immediately and started playing it.
लुका छुपी बहुत हुई सामने आजा ना, कहाँ कहाँ ढूँढा तुझे थक गयी है अब तेरी माँ,
आजा सांझ हुई मुझे तेरी फिकर, धुन्दला गयी देख मेरी नझर आ जाना |
Tears started rolling down...I could not stop them. Why was I so upset...The words made me picturize my aunt who lost her 11 year old son in a bus accident! Many of you must have read the news about Panvel School Bus suddenly catching fire, causing the death of 5-6 students...One of them was my brothe, Aniket!
We keep on reading such news everyday, we surely feel sad, but this time it was different in my case! He was my brother after all!!
How did that happen? Aniket's school is just 5 minutes away from his home. My aunt helped him get into the bus and started walking towards the home. Few moments later she observed flames and fumes but thought that they were the ones due to the crimation going on in the nearby crimatorium... Sometime later she received a phone call saying that the school bus had caught fire and her son is admitted in the nearby hospital and that he was 50% burnt!!!
What was the cause of fire? It was just the carelessness of the driver. The bus carried a can of petrol. Students were telling the driver that "petrol ki badboo aa rahi hai! Please gadi rok do!!" If he would listened to them and stopped the bus, the accident would have been avoided! But he did not!! He was busy talking on the cell phone!!
Few minutes later, suddenly there was a blast and the bus caught fire. The temperature started rising. The students sitting in the front managed to jump out of the bus. The senior students sitting at the back of the bus managed to jump from the windows with the help of people. But, Aniket was standing in the middle part of the bus. As the petrol tank (which lies exactly below where my brother was standing) caught fire, his hands and legs got burnt before he could even move. What do you think the driver-cleaner did? Hearing the bang of the blast, they started running away from the bus as they were affraid!!!
Eventually every student managed to get out of the bus. The driver-cleaner fortunately used their brains and came back to help them. They stopped a 6-seater, helped 5-6 students to get into it and asked the driver to drop them to xyz hospital. A car passing by was stopped and two students were asked to be dropped at some other hospital. These students were siblings. The car-driver was affraid of the fact that Police would consider him responsible for the accident and would torture him. So, he dropped them outside the hospital and left. 10-12 year old, 60% burnt students walked inside the hospital, called their parents!! Both of them died later!!!
Coming back to Aniket, he was later to a hospital dedicated for Burn treatments. My aunt said that his school-bag was half-burnt. The hands-legs were burnt so that the skin had vinished. The other parts of the body were not actually burnt, but were damaged due to the steam (containing chemicals). The Steam had even caused his clothes to become stiff. They had to be cut using a scissor. He was kept in an ICU, alone....nobody around! His parents were allowed to meet him only for 5-10 minutes in the whole day due to the fear of infection (as his limbs did not carry skin as a protection). A number of capilary tubes connected throughout the body! Shouldn't there be some consideration of child-psychology? He was shaking with pain. His mother could not do anything but observe him in that situation. Can't something be done to avoid this? If she was allowed to sit besides him, he would have felt much better. The nurses were allowed to go inside. If parents are asked to take the same hygienic measures as the nurses do, they may be allowed to go and seat besides the child. An 11-year old needs some mental support to bear the pain, to gather some hopes for living. The infection in the hands-legs started spreading in other organs of the body. To suppress them, strong doses were given, which resulted into failure of critical organs like kidney! The toxins which had entered his body through the fumes had no way to get out of it and eventually the case went out of the control!!
Why am I telling you all this? Isn't media efficient enough to cover this?
I am telling this to you in perspective of human being (and not a reporter, interested in covering the news) I feel that we should learn a few lessons out of all this."
What kind of pain the parents, who lost their both children, must be undergoing? Can we even think about it?
A moment of ignorance caused so many lives to end, so many drems to break. My aunt, uncle, his grandparents...Their lives were just revolving around him. Playing with him, teaching him, waiting for his arrival from school, mealtime conversations, investments, planning and what not! Now there is a huge emptiness.
The atmosphere in the school has become very upsetting. The student who used to share the desk with Aniket has not been told about his death. He keeps on asking everyone, "when is Aniket going to come back to school? He will get well soon na?"
I feel that the hospitals should consider having some training in human psychology. Just the medical treatments are not sufficient to cure some health problems, mental support is equally important.
One more factor that played a role in this accident is the age of the driver and cleaner. driver-cleaner of the "school-bus" were 20-24 year old. How can we expect them to be mature enough to handle such situations? Could they have enough seriousness to take actions when children were feeling uncomfortable/suffocated due to the smell of petrol? In appointing a driver for school-bus the level of maturity, affection towards children should be taken into consideration!
I really appreciate that the people who witnessed the incidence, immediately took actions to rescue the students and rush them to hospitals.
We should not keep combustible substances in the vehicles (a mistake which may unknowingly get committed)
Everybody, please think about this seriously!Wake up!!Life is valuable!!!


  1. hruday pilvatun takanara anubhav ahe..

  2. Khrach i felt something while i was reading this.. Some serious actions need to be taken.
